Waves Just Relax

Stress Management Techniques

Overwhelmed? Stressed? Find Your Calm. Stress Management Techniques

In today’s fast-paced world, stress can feel relentless. At WavesJustRelax.com, we believe that managing stress isn’t a luxury – it’s essential for a happy, healthy life. We offer a sanctuary of mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and expert advice on nutrition, all designed to help you release tension, cultivate inner peace, and find balance. Our library of videos, articles, and podcasts provides you with practical tools and inspiration to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience. Join us on a journey towards a calmer, more joyful you.

 We are about: stress management, mindfulness, yoga, meditation, nutrition, relaxation, inner peace, balance, resilience

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Noise & Stress

Student Stress

Nutrition & Stress

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Watch and relax with our latest Waves Just Relax ambient music video of waves crashing, nature, at sunrise on the Atlantic Coast in Florida. 

Waves Just Relax sister YouTube Channel for all our, chill out and reduce your stress videos.

Our Stress Management Tool Box includes the WAVES JUST RELAX YouTube Channel. Link also with the picture above.

The Stress Management Toolbox

     Stress is an important part of everyone’s life. It assists us in our growth at every age. However, stress needs to be balanced and not consume us. Each personality needs its methods, tools, or resources to find that perfect balance.  At WAVES-JUST RELAX our mission is to provide information and a toolbox of stress management techniques for everyone to explore and find what works for them.

     Research has enlightened us on the areas that cause stress over our lifetime. Our objective is to gather as much information as we can along with the resources and methods to assist in reducing and balancing stress for many.   For those that need additional support and advice, we encourage you to contact a professional advisor by clicking the section near the bottom of each of our pages on this BLOG. It is never shameful to ask for help in any situation and it is never too late to get that helping hand.         

The WAVES-JUST RELAX YouTube Channel provides relaxing videos with ambient music, tips on reducing stress and quotes to ponder and reflect upon. We add an average 7 new videos a month.

Click to connect with our channel and experience how one of our mood transition videos can help reduce stress.

The WAVES-JUST RELAX Library is filled with articles from around the world by experts on stress. We provide a recommended booklist of top selling related books. Readers can connect directly and purchase the books from our AMAZON connection. 

Additionally, we offer several bookshelves that our readers are welcome to read or download. Our media section is expanding consistently as well.    

Mindfulness has become a proven practice to assist in preventing stress from taking over many situations. We have provided a video program explaining more about mindfulness and how to begin the practice. Additionally, we have provided books, articles and other resources to include the practice of mindfulness in one’s daily life. 


Here at our publishing offices the consensuses of our staff is that the practice of Yoga and Meditation used routinely in just about anyone’s life can help tremendously in managing personal stress. Learning breathing techniques while meditating can actually lower blood pleasure in many. It is for this reason we provide a basic video program to help our readers learn about yoga.  It also the reason we decided to expand our Worldwide Yoga-Studio and get as many studios as possible worldwide to encourage their community to participate. 

Even our staff was shocked learning the extend that nutrition plays in a direct link to managing stress. We have included videos, articles and books on the subject. Our research also opened the door to information that many people don’t know how to cook, what a balanced diet is and how to plan and prepare meals without adding stress. We have expanded this section with materials on cooking, buying food and even simple recipes.  

Our WAVES MAGAZINE is where our site’s in-house articles can be found. Our staff researches and writes about concerns and interests shared by our readers and viewers.  Throughout our site are hundreds of articles from across the globe on a range of topics from mindfulness to nutrition and stress to exercise, yoga, and meditation. 

The articles in our magazine touch on specific topics and in many cases will direct the reader to more details or in-depth information found throughout our site.  

Health Insurance & Mental Health

Stress, Anxiety and your health insurance…

      Health insurance plans are confusing.  Although federal law requires insurance companies to provide equal coverage for mental and physical health conditions, deep differences remain between the two. In fact, 42% of people struggle to cover high mental health costs. Even with mental health required to be covered, any treatment beyond meditation can be difficult to obtain.

     Mental health care is expensive, to the point of being inaccessible has long been a problem but has taken on a new urgency because of the pandemic. The latest numbers reflect that just under 75% of people between ages 18 and 35 who took an anxiety or depression screening scored with moderate to severe symptoms.     

 Link here for the complete article.

Consider using an online therapist. Below are two you may wish to consider

Talk Space – 

Cerebral Health

Please Note: WAVES-JUST RELAX is not affiliated with either of these companies and we do not receive any referral fee. We provide these links as a service to our USA readers. Please use the Psychology Today listing for therapists available around the world.

Plan an escape from the routine and find yourself again.

The College Student & Stress

      If you’re a college student, chances are you will experience some school-related stress during this time in your life. Stress isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it’s necessary and healthy, but only at manageable levels. Stress pushes us to stay on track with our studying and classwork and keeps us motivated. 

 Link to the article here.

Relationships & Stress

Stress-Anxiety. Could you use these two words to describe your life right now? Well, welcome to the club, you are not alone. We all experience stress. It is brought on by a host of reasons during our lives. One exceeding challenging stress time is when the causal reason is a relationship. Often it is the little things that keep piling up within our emotional vault.  Like a busy week at work, a sick child, or even a partner or parent at home. Couple that situation with a crazy workday, a boss that is driving you crazy, or the car just decided to stop running. These little everyday problems can add up and have big consequences over time in our relationships. Stress in other areas of our lives affects our relationships. Work conflict can become a major reason for stress in a relationship. It can also be a child, a parent living far away, well the list goes on. The point here is not to blame the relationship. It is where we all tend to go first.  Continue here


New book in our collection. Find it on our Yoga and Meditation Page

 Published (October 2022) 10 Simple Ways to Find Focus, Improve Memory and Feel Grounded

Link and order your copy today!

Stress Management
"Tom" our Character Mascot found across social media.

     WAVES-JUST RELAX is expanding our internet presence as requested by many of our readers and channel viewers. Be on the lookout for our Character Mascot we named Tom. WJR will be sharing more of our short information videos across the web. Thanks for your support.

      Meet Tom the WAVES-JUST RELAX character mascot. You will see Tom across social media and the web offering tools, information and other resources related to our brand, WAVES-JUST RELAX. 

Recommended Books:

Head to WAVES – ARTICLE PAGE to learn more about each book recommended. 

Check our Library for Additional Books Available

WAVES-JUST RELAX, provides this 106-page E-Book to our readers at no cost. YOGA offers an excellent marriage with our Sunrise Videos; wave sounds with ambient music.  This book offers ways tips to maximize your YOGA routine.   Read the book now online or download to use as a reference anytime. This book is provided to our readers and viewers as one of the tools we suggest maintaining a balanced level of stress.

Link here to find a therapist.

IN THE USA- DIAL 988 for the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

     The tools provided by WAVES-JUST RELAX on our Blog and YouTube Channel are to assist most of us with the daily ups and downs of life. While stress in our daily lives is normal, most of us now and then need a space to get “centered” or balanced in our live to move forward.  These are the tools WAVES-JUST RELAX provides. Stress can be a building block in our growth and help anyone mature at any age.

     HOWEVER, there is a point when these simple tools cannot help. There are situations where consistent repetitive stress requires a helping hand, professional listening ear or actual direct assistance. A point where deep depression, or feelings of suicide require GETTING HELP NOW. The folks at PSYCHOLOGY TODAY provide a FREE LIST OF INTERNATIONAL THERAPISTS.  Click the link to the left and connect now if you have reached the point where our support tools just are not working for you. 

If you are seeking information on stress, stress relief, stress management and tools and techniques to aid with your stress WAVES-JUST RELAX provides an ever-expanding dependable resource for most everyone dealing with numerous areas of stress. Please pass the word on to family, friends and business associates. If you are a yoga studio, educator, spiritual advisor or anyone maintains a website consider placing out banner on your website. It along with our link are provided below.  

Change your habits, change your life.


Please note: WAVES-JUST RELAX accepts advertisers to promote their products and services. We at WAVES do our best to review these companies before we post their ads. However, we do not have experience working with all the products or services. We provide this space to also enable compensation to support both this Blog and YouTube Channel. 


Waves-Just Relax



1348 Beach Blvd – Suite 612

Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250